Music is therapy.

A lot of people use music to escape from whatever is going on in their lives. It may be putting your headphones in, going for a run and feeling that adrenaline. Playing some music in the car on the way home from a stressful day. Or perhaps a child who didn’t get a very good start to life but finds comfort in lyrics. On a lighter perspective, have you ever been sat somewhere and a song plays on the radio that takes you back to a memory. Dancing around the living room with your siblings laughing. Going to a concert with your bestie and the crowd is like electric you just want to live in that moment forever. Maybe your grandmother singing ‘Que Sera Sera’ on a Sunday afternoon.

I bet you’re wondering why I’m writing about this on a wellbeing blog. I strongly believe we can use music more for therapeutic reasons. Music is so diverse. It speaks every language, to every age group, every gender as well as adapting for personalities. Music represents every emotion. Sometimes we can be scared of saying how we feel or don’t even know how to put it into words but a song we can really relate to.

Music represents every emotion

If we learn how to recognise how we feel more we can use music with more purpose. For example, if we’re low put on a happy song or maybe you need to sit through the sadness. That is just as important for regulating ourselves. I know a lot of people who use a song to connect with someone who has passed away. Equally just as important. You could even be more creative and have a playlist to support you with certain things. If you push yourself even more you could learn an instrument to feel the rhythm at another level. I used to play the trumpet (very badly!) but it’s very good for releasing negative emotions.

So, whether you’re escaping or reminiscing I’d urge you to try notice what is going on for you and what you need. I really believe you can build yourself up with music it’s like therapy in the most accessible way. For me, existence would be empty without music and I’m living my best life cooking away in the kitchen whilst serenading my dog! Sometimes it’s the simple things.


Hopefully this blog has got you thinking and made you question things. If you feel you would like to explore in more depth, please get in touch for free initial call to help put you at ease and discuss what you would like to get from therapy.


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What happened to you?