Therapy For Depression


Depression can make everything feel so heavy. There may be days where taking a shower is too much and everything just seems pointless. Other symptoms include: struggle sleeping, lack of appetite, no motivation, low mood, struggling to concentrate, loss of interest in everything or being stuck in a negative mindset. Each person may have similar experiences but we all deal with things in our own way. Effects of depression can be ruminating on past experiences or relationships. Job loss or financial struggles could become an issue. Some people may engage in negative coping strategies like drugs/alcohol and much more. Isolating themselves can become an issue. More intense repercussions may involve self harm or suicidal thoughts/acts.

Making the first step and asking for help can be so hard but it is completely necessary. Therapy can help in lots of ways and help you see that there is hope. Some of the approaches in sessions might be: exploring what is going on for you and identifying ways that may improve aspects of your life. Depression does not mean there is something wrong with you it shows that you have needs that are not being met. Reflecting on these in detail can help navigate better ways moving forward thus promoting meaningful change. There might be some of the past to process or potentially motivational work for right now.

Counselling & Psychotherapy is a confidential, safe space where you can be your true self with no judgements’. Talking with a qualified and experienced Therapist is life changing. Book an  initial consultation to help put you at ease and discuss what you would like to get from therapy and if it’s a good fit. For the discounted sessions please fill out the intake form.