What Is Therapy?

A common misconception of a Therapist is that we just sit there and listen. Therefore, when the word is used people often visualise a cosy looking room with a sofa and incense burning. A client will lay down and offload about all their issues and then will feel magically better upon leaving. There is in fact a lot more to it.

Therapy is a confidential space where the client can be themselves without judgement. The initial stages are building trust to enable a connection, this is vital for any therapeutic relationship. It is a two-way meaningful conversation that can help a client explore their experiences as well as themselves. There are lots of aspects to the sessions that may facilitate acceptance or change. Some of these may be exploring a client’s thoughts and feelings attached to experiences or relationships, reflecting on what made them the person they are today and identifying who they would like to be tomorrow. Some things a Therapist may offer are empathy and validation, highlight patterns, prompt deeper awareness or openly discuss potential ways to find growth. It is not always about revisiting the past although often that is what can make us feel trapped or stuck in life after burying issues for years. Some clients do however want to work on building themselves up now where tools and techniques can be brought in to work through.

Although different things will come up the main goal is to help clients be the truest version of themselves and reach their full potential. The more a client understands themselves from all versions of themselves the more aligned they can become. Putting a mirror up to yourself can be scary and upsetting at times so it’s a Therapist’s responsibility to ensure safe and ethical working. As a therapist we genuinely care but it can be helpful to go into these kind of details with someone who is not emotionally connected to your life and can see from a pure perspective. Also, theory is underpinning every aspect of the sessions which can sometimes be brought into psychoeducation at times. Each Therapist will come from a different theory approach but almost all will present as Person Centred. Back to my initial point there is listening, lots of it there is just more going on beneath the surface. The whole process can take time, but the results are totally worth it. From a Therapist’s point of view, it is really beautiful to witness too.

Hopefully this blog has got you thinking and made you question things. If you feel you would like to explore in more depth, please get in touch for free initial call to help put you at ease and discuss what you would like to get from therapy.


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